Joshua Bloch on Bumper-Sticker API Design

> It is my hope that these maxims provide a concise summary of the key points of API design, in easily digestible form:
> All programmers are API designers. Good programs are modular, and intermodular boundaries define APIs. Good modules get reused.
> APIs can be among your greatest assets or liabilities. Good APIs create long-term customers; bad ones create long-term support nightmares.
InfoQ: Joshua Bloch: Bumper-Sticker API Design.

We’ve been working on building web services for our big project here at work and the API of the services has been a concern of mine for awhile. We’ve mostly been throwing these things together for one-off needs but I’d like to start formalizing a bit of what we’ve done to make it more manageable and maintainable. I think I’m going to print this list out and keep it handy.