I meant to post this earlier (like a week ago when it was sent to me, oops) but there were some technical difficulties with the blog server, plus I was insanely sick a couple of days last week.

But anyway, I want to point Narnia fans to Narnia Confidential, a new wiki set up for fans of the books. I love wikis for this type of thing. If you don’t know, a wiki is a website that can be edited by the readers of the site. This wiki lets fans of the books compile basically an encyclopedia of information about the books, the movies, the world of Narnia, etc. There are some problems with wikis, the main one being that jerks can edit things out and add junk but as long as a community is built up around the site that usually doesn’t screw things up too badly. They’ve got a lot of good info on the site so I would recommend it if you’re looking for more Narnia info. And if you have something to add, please do!

tags: grommes, narnia, wikis
e to be. Reading the books in chronological order completely ruins that surprise, as well as the other ones that are very important to the series. The Lion… is clearly the introductory book to the series, showing Narnia for the first time to the Pevensie children and to the reader. It introduces Aslan, the most important character to the whole series. The new “first” book, The Magician’s Nephew, is supposed to be a flashback and only works when you know about Aslan and care about the world of Narnia.

I could go on about it endlessly but if you’ve become interested in Narnia because of the movie (which is of course The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe) I would very strenuously suggest you read them in their proper publication order of:

You will enjoy the books much, much more this way. Here are a couple of good links on the two orders:, and

tags: grommes, narnia, books
oks are being pushed to the forefront with the release of the movie. That’s the best outcome for a book-to-movie conversion, in my mind. They two will always be separate experiences and separate stories but if the attention gets more kids to read the books, awesome. Plus if the extra talk means more money for the movie, they might eventually decide to make the movie of Voyage of the Dawn Treader and we’ll all be in for a treat!

tags: grommes, narnia, religion, christianity